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Mission Critical Decisions Real-Time


TrackSwift - Recognised by teams and our Partners around the world.

In the high-stakes world of Motorsports, every second counts, and every decision can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Personar proudly presents TrackSwift, an innovative AI-powered Speech-To-Text and Catagorisation solution designed to provide teams with real-time insights, aiding in critical split-second decision-making that can help motorsports teams around the world advance through the field.

Elevate Your Game with AI Racing Mastery

Explore TrackSwift

​​TrackSwift employs state-of-the-art AI technology and a unique Speech-to-Text engine to analyze and categorize thousands of messages in real-time. Its comprehensive dashboard presents critical information that can provide your team with a decisive advantage, transforming a chaotic flow of communications into strategic insights.

Our unique STT (Speech To Text) engine can work for many Sports from F1 to Sailing to Football and is a perfect fit for TV Broadcast and Radio, as well as Fan Engagement.


McLaren F1 team car leaving the pits

​TrackSwift’s dashboard can be configured to focus on specific information flow and tailor data presentation to your preferences. You’re not just passively receiving data, you’re interacting with it, shaping it to serve your strategic needs.


TrackSwift Personar Dashboard view

Computers and people see information in very different ways. By seamlessly translating between those two worlds, the DICE platform can work with almost any type of data and prepare that data for whatever is next. DICE can pulling in information from databases, emails, documents or even audio steams, and transform it into something a computer can understand. Once the data analysis is done and the decisions are ready, DICE can present that information to a human as a summary or a dashboard or recommendation, or pass that information to another computer system in whatever format is needed.

Communicate with TrackSwift

F1 race

The flexible and dynamic nature of the platform allows it to quickly be deployed to power a wide variety of use cases. All of the data models, workflows and AI/ML capabilities can be quickly configured to meet almost any requirements and can be adjusted quickly and easily allowing teams to make instant decisions.

Real-Time Decisions

WEC Team viewing information in a race

Request a Demo

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